holiday season and year end tax planning. However, this is also a good time to take a step back from your business and assess what went well and not so well for this year.
Things to think about:
1. What was our best seller for 2014? Did the customers like it and were we good at it?
2. What was the most profitable items and what were the least profitable items in 2014?
3. What are the cool kids in my industry planning for 2015? Is there a trend that can affect my business and what technology is emerging? For example, even though Kim Kardashian is still on Blackberry, it may not be the thing to stick with in your business. Or Aol. Or that giant fax machine in the corner of your office.
4. What is your big goal for 2015? Do you have a revenue goal, profit goal, or have a number of new customers that you would like to obtain?
It's cliche to say the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result, however, it is also correct.
Here's to a fantastic 2015!