Wednesday, January 14, 2015

IRS Warns Of Delayed Refunds, Long Waits For Taxpayers & Possible Shutdown

With a week to go before tax season opens, taxpayers were already bracing for a potentially “miserable” filing season. It turns out that it could live up to the hype.

So.....there is good news and bad news.  

The bad news can be found in this Forbes article.

Essentially the IRS is telling us to expect the following:
  • Identity theft could increase
  • Refund delays
  • Lags in correspondence
  • Fewer resolutions
  • Unanswered calls
  • Shutdowns
  • Fewer Audit Closures

The good news?   There will be fewer audits, since there are fewer auditors.  
And Downton Abbey is back!!!!  Oh how we missed the Dowager Countess of Grantham. 

So if you need help getting ready for the fun tax season, call Hardee Accounting.

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